Massage Harbor is now Tranquille Spa

Prenatal Massage
60 minutes $125
90 minutes $175

A massage technique specifically designed for pregnant women to help relieve common pregnancy discomforts and promote mother and baby's well being. Pregnancy massage is very gentle and effective and has many benefits for the mother, such as increasing energy, easing aches and pains, slowing the process of varicose veins, reducing fluid retention and releasing stress. Pregnancy massage can also help labor preparation by teaching the mother to consciously release tension and focus on relaxation breathing techniques, as well as releasing tension in the lower back and abdomen. Contraindicated for first trimester.

​Postnatal Massage

60 minutes $115
90 minutes $165

For relaxation, stress reduction, pain relief and other health benefits. Benefits include hormone regulation, reduced swelling, better sleep and improved breastfeeding. Helps restore your body to its pre-pregnancy condition, speeds healing and assists with recovery.

Preconception Massage

60 minutes $115
90 minutes $165

When trying to conceive, one of the main fertility challenges is often a high stress level. Massage can potentially increase fertility as the intent is to detoxify/cleanse, balance and relax the woman’s body, making it an ideal environment for conception. Preconception massage is ideal for all women who have the desire to become pregnant. 

Move It Along

60 minutes $125
90 minutes $175

This session will lend a little help with getting things moving. Acupressure points to help increase blood flow to the uterus and get those hormones ready for labor. Beginning at 38 weeks. 

Series are also available, buy 4 get 5th massage free. May purchase online or at time of appointment.


There are several observed or identified benefits to massage during pregnancy.

Massage can:
Relieve muscular tension, especially in low back, upper back, shoulders and neck.
Reduce stress on weight-bearing joints.
Enhance body awareness-better posture-less discomfort. Assist with body mechanics
and movement during structural changes.
Support birth process by relaxing muscles involved in labor and birth.
Ease anxiety and stress during time of transition.
Give emotional support and nurturance.
Offer greater ease in ventilation due to relaxation of muscles of breathing.
Improve sleep.
Reduce stress hormones.
Reduce back pain.
Prevent labor complications and postnatal complications.

Please click here to read about contraindications for pregnancy massage and fill out form.